Tips for Choosing the Right Skin Foundation
Foundation is one of the key elements of makeup. However, it is also an element that can mar your entire makeup if not used the correct way. With foundation, you have to be careful about your skin type and understand what suits your complexion the best. So, here are some foundation tips for different skin types. Foundation for Dry Skin Dry skin is quite common and unavoidable as a woman ages. Also, dry skin is usually dull so adding a bit of luminosity and brightness along with a lot of hydration is the key. If your skin is dry, just stay away from the ultra-matte finishes and opt for the dewy, glowing finish. One of the foundation tips for different skin types is to make sure that the skin looks wet after application of the foundation. You can also go for lightweight formulas that feel breathable, serum-like, and almost watery. As far as applying other makeup, less is more for dry skin. That is why you should avoid applying an excess of setting powder on top of the foundation. Only a bit of dusting should do the trick. Use a good dose of serum and cream too because the ultimate idea is to make your skin feel comfortable.