Avoid These 5 Common Credit Card Mistakes
A credit card comes in very handy if you are short on cash at the moment. These financial instruments enable easy cashless transactions, but avoiding certain common credit card mistakes can save you from accumulating a huge debt or ending up with a poor credit score. You can get started by paying off your bills on time and spending judiciously. To know about more mistakes, read on. Using a credit card for perishables : Using your credit card to spend on perishables is a strict no-no, so don’t buy groceries or pay electricity bills with your credit card. You should use the card to spend on things you will still have with you when paying the bill at the end of the month. Taking a card to enjoy rewards or rebates is also not smart, as they might simply boost your spending habits. You may even end up paying for a rewards card that you do not use often. Keeping multiple cards : This is one of the biggest and most common credit card mistakes you can make. Remember that more cards imply more debt as credit cards will never supplement your original income, and tracking the bills can be a hassle, making you miss out on a payment.